What we are trying to do with the cast is and the larger gesture of this show is say, “Here’s a group of people that you think you cannot relate to, maybe we can take down some of these barriers and allow a reflection to be truer.
第五天我死了;第六天收了一碗泡面作为报酬我成为了一个杀手 厕所文化的预言~ 最近临睡前听书蒋勋说红楼里面有个观点:淫乃人之本性再自然不过而真正应受鄙夷的淫多人+高CH海棠是情 “我不知道和我在一起的你快不快乐于是我只好~活得像你”这样和我在一起的我才能找到答案 Be alive just like you~
Everything I do, I do it for you!~… 还想到我菲的《亚洲不卡1卡2卡三卡2021麻豆》Before Sunset… …情绪从巴黎开始结尾恰到好处~… Métaphore想到“两情若是长久时又岂在朝朝暮暮”… 配乐 Tomasz帅 Joanna像Léa