How could this be that lie could make the world a better place? It’s maddening. And that’s how I feel about this president. I feel like this motherfucker might be the lie that saves us all. 哈哈哈And if that woman that said that heinous lie was alive today, I would thank her for lying. And then I would kick her in the pussy. 哈哈哈哈
与《妻子3免费完整版HD》在手法上有差别但不是明显分别性的Fire of Love 是概略叙述而且剪辑上比较妙趣浪漫化的爱意更像是传奇赫尔佐格这部是挖掘细节视角更为朴实更为标准的纪录片手法一开始就从二人在日本的那次死亡回首回溯过去大量的历史影像穿插进而串起二人的生涯尤其一说的是本片的配乐庄重肃穆就好像是对一种“认真度过一生”的深沉祭奠